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Can a Woman Propose to a Man: Why You Should and How to Do It

Can a Woman Propose to a Man: Why You Should and How to Do It

Young woman holding box with engagement ring and making marriage proposal to her boyfriend at home

Whenever people talk about wedding proposals, it’s pretty much a norm that it’s the men that do the kneeling on one knee and asking the question, “Will you marry me?” While this has been the traditional and accepted way for a marriage to proceed, women are now taking on the initiative and taking the next chapter of their lives into their own hands. In the Philippines, while women leading wedding proposals are still a bit rare, it’s now starting to gain traction with more and more ladies proposing and popping the question. In this article, we’ll answer some of the most pressing questions, such as “Can a woman propose to a man?” and “How do you propose to a man?”, as well as give you ideas if you’re planning on going against tradition and taking the lead in your upcoming engagement.

a smiling woman proposing to her surprised boyfriend on street

Can a Woman Propose to a Man?

Definitely. While tradition dictates that men are typically the ones who are supposed to propose to their significant other, there’s no other reason for a woman not to propose. If you’re sure that you want to spend your whole life with the man you’re in a relationship with, why wait when you can be the one to pop the question? In fact, the number of women proposing to their man today is rising – and it’s probably for the better as more and more women are starting to challenge societal norms!

How Do You Propose to Your Boyfriend?

Proposing to your boyfriend or significant is relatively just the same as when a man proposes to his girlfriend. You can go the traditional route of getting an engagement ring and planning the proposal. In the Philippines, however, there may be a few more steps that you might want to take before you get on your knee and ask for your boyfriend’s hand in marriage.

First, it might be a good idea to tell your parents about your plans to propose to your boyfriend. You can present your plans to your parents and ask for advice since they’ll probably have a wealth of wisdom that you may benefit from.

Second, you can ask for his parents’ blessing before you plan your proposal to your man or even before you pop the question. This is a common courtesy, especially for close-knit Filipino families. As much as your boyfriend will be part of your family in the next chapter of your life, you’ll also be part of your boyfriend’s family, so it would be best to ask for their hand from their parents or family first. You may even bring along your parents when you ask for his parents’ blessing for a more formal and traditional approach.

Creative Ideas to Plan for Women Proposing Marriage to their Boyfriends

Once you’ve successfully gotten the blessing of your parents and his family, it’s now time for you to plan your marriage proposal to your man. This part of planning may feel a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re planning a grand gesture that will surely sweep your boyfriend off his feet. Lucky for you, we’ve come up with a few creative ideas on how a woman can propose to a man:

two handa holding stick sparkling fireworks on new year

Ring Up the New Year With a Surprise Proposal

The New Year is often seen as a day of new beginnings. Plan a New Year’s Day proposal and surprise your boyfriend or partner by proposing just as the clock strikes 12. That way, you can have your New Year’s kiss as a newly engaged couple! If this is what you’re planning, you can set up a Media Noche dinner with both of your families and let them in on your plans. You can even ask for help from your boyfriend’s family to make your surprise proposal more elaborate and exciting. There are other clever and creative New Year’s proposal ideas that you can try – all you need is a bit of creativity and imagination.

Hands of young couple in love close side by side on the first date

First Date or First Meeting Recreation

Want a nostalgic and memorable proposal idea for your man? If you remember the site of your first date or first meeting, that would be a great setting to pop the question to your boyfriend. Reserve a table at the restaurant or invite your boyfriend for a walk. You can even ask the restaurant’s staff for help or even the live band. Ask them to play a song that you heard on your first date or play one that means something to the both of you. Once you’re set-up, proceed with your spiel and ask your boyfriend to marry you.

an engagement ring at the top of brown Labrador's nose

Bring Your Pets Into Your Wedding Proposal

For an adorable wedding proposal to your boyfriend, you can bring along your pets to figure in your upcoming engagement. You can either bring them with you on a hike or a walk or get them to participate in your plans. Tie a bib around their collar with the words, “Will You Marry Me?” or you can even tie the engagement ring around their neck and ask your boyfriend to check what’s on there.

a red rose and two gold rings on top of open notebook with I Love You, Marry Me question on valentine's day

Pop the Question on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is probably one of the most romantic days of the year, with couples from all walks of life clutching flower bouquets and going out for dinner to celebrate. Take advantage of the festive and romantic vibe by finding creative Valentine’s Day proposal ideas to a man to bring to life. You can take your significant other out for dinner at a private restaurant or reserve a spot at your favorite place. Just make sure that you finalize reservations a few months or weeks before since Valentine’s Day is also one of the busiest days in the whole year. Don’t put planning off until the last minute since there’s a high chance that you’ll be left on a waitlist.

a couple on top of a car and stargazing together with an astronomical telescope

Plan a Stargazing Excursion

Are you and your boyfriend big enthusiasts of constellations and stargazing? Plan an outing at some of the best stargazing locations around the Philippines, such as Anawangin, Zambales, and Jomalig, Quezon. Because these locations have little to no light pollution, you can get an unmatched stargazing experience. You might even get to watch the Milky Way. Propose to your boyfriend when the night sky is at its brightest for a surreal and wondrous experience.

How to Pick Your Boyfriend’s Engagement Ring

The next question that you might be asking is how to propose to a man using an engagement ring. While choosing an engagement ring is almost just the same as when a man proposes to his girlfriend, you might come across a few challenges. Since wedding proposals for men are still relatively uncommon in the Philippines, there are still limited stores where you can buy engagement rings for men. However, there are a few online where you can browse a broad selection of men’s rings, including, B&CO Jewelry, and Lucce Rings. But while locating a store can be easily solved by doing an online search, there’s also the question of how you can pick an engagement ring for a wedding proposal to a man. To help you, here are a few pointers:

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different varieties of rings for a man display on shop

Choose the Metal You Want

Engagement rings use different metals for the band. You can choose from a wide selection depending on the level of quality and luxury that you want. Choose between gold, white gold, platinum, and sterling silver. You can even throw in a few diamonds and other precious stones to complete the look.

A Man in Blue Suit Wearing Silver Diamond Ring

Consider the Style That Goes Well With Your Boyfriend’s Style

Remember that once you propose to your boyfriend, they’ll probably want to always wear their engagement ring. This means that it’s best to find an engagement ring design that will best suit their style and wardrobe. If your boyfriend’s wardrobe consists of more low-key styles, you may opt for a more toned-down design with a single stone and a plain ring band. On the other hand, if your boyfriend typically opts for more eye-catching clothing pieces, you can go for more elaborate designs.

a gold wedding ring on top of ring measuring instrument

Figure Out Your Boyfriend’s Ring Size

On to the most important factor – your boyfriend’s ring size. This is probably the trickiest factor that you might need to figure out for your wedding proposal to your boyfriend. While approximating their ring size is the fastest and easiest way, it’s also the least reliable since there’s a big chance that you’d need to get the ring readjusted after you propose. If possible, try to ask for help from your boyfriend’s family or friends and ask them whether they’d be willing to extract your boyfriend’s ring size information.

If you’re not a fan of engagement rings, on the other hand, there are also numerous alternatives that you can get for your boyfriend, including wristwatches, signature bracelets, and bespoke necklaces. If you think your boyfriend may not be the type to wear rings, these are great substitutes!

Woman Proposing to a Man: An Uncommon But Welcome Practice!

While a woman proposing to a man might not be the most common practice among Filipinos, it’s actually not a taboo idea, since more and more Filipinas are starting to take matters into their own hands. Gone are the days when women need to wait for men to pop the question for them to even welcome the idea of marriage. All you need is the right planning, a creative team, and maybe a bit of bravery to get on one knee and propose to your boyfriend. We hope your wedding proposal to your boyfriend is successful, and we can’t wait to hear about your experience!

Donna Santiago
Author: Donna Santiago

Donna spends 50% of her time writing, and the other 50% napping, snacking, or befriending stray cats.

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